Dear Cambridge pupils of A1D & CE2,
On the 8th of March we've organised an English play for you to see. This is part of your English class. Every pupil of A1D (Cambridge Class 1), CE2 and CE3 (Talent Stream Cambridge English) is expected to meet Mrs Nauta in room 334 at 9.00. From there, we'll go to the secret location of the play.
The play will be 50 minutes and with traveling time included, it will mean that you are gone for the 2nd and 3rd period on Tuesday the 8th of March.
Please inform your teachers (esp. the pupils in year 2 and 3, because the rest of their class will be in a normal class that they can't follow) of those 2 hours beforehand on why you're gone those two hours.
On behalf of the Cambridge Class teachers and the English department.